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Snow White: Beauty Is Power

Fairy tales are good to think with. Compact yet also capacious, with roots in myth, they were engineered to accommodate changes in cultural values and conflicts. “Snow White” is no exception. Rupert Sanders’s film “Snow White and the Huntsman” the latest version of the tale, takes us into a wilderness of environmental depredations and dynastic conflict. Charlize Theron’s fair-haired wicked queen presides over subjects with ravaged faces in landscapes that resemble toxic oil spills; in her shape-shifting magic, she reconstitutes herself at one point from what looks like a flock of crows caught in an oil slick. Her rule has no doubt created the viscous black horrors that Snow White encounters in the denuded woods to which she flees. The film’s raven-haired heroine, by contrast, soothes savage beasts with her compassionate face and, as a digitally miniaturized Bob Hoskins, playing one of the seven dwarfs, proclaims: “she will heal the land.” But she’s no passive, guiltless damsel. Her exquisite beauty, combined with charismatic leadership, enables her to defeat the evil queen and redeem the desolate landscape of the kingdom.
This Snow White is very different from the one we find in the canonical literary version recorded in the early nineteenth century. The Brothers Grimm called their story “Little Snow White,” to emphasize the innocence and vulnerability of a young girl persecuted by her jealous stepmother. Their heroine is precociously stunning—“When she was seven years old she was as beautiful as the light of day, even more beautiful than the queen herself”—and her beauty inspires huntsman, dwarfs, and prince alike to protect her from a less fair, wicked queen. The early tale is also a reflection on children’s fears about the cruelty of stepmothers, at a time when mortality rates for child-bearing women were exceptionally high. The concept of the “blended” family was foreign to the Grimms’ era, and it remains so in new inflections of the tale. Snow White delivers a timely message about survival even when the odds are not in your favor, as they surely are not for the heroine of “Snow White and the Huntsman,” who must now stand up to both a perverse stepmother and a hostile Mother Nature.
A 1912 Broadway musical first gave the story the title by which we know it today: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” The miniature miners of the Grimms’ tale now had whimsical names and personalities—an antidote to the tale’s dark themes. The Disney version (from 1937), too, draws much of its charm from the allegorical vigor of Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey, and, in addition, gives Snow White a new mission. The Grimms’ girl was something of an intruder, a Goldilocks figure who discovers an enviably “neat and clean” cottage, along with seven little beds—one “just right”—covered with white sheets. Disney’s heroine, by contrast, is given a Depression-era work ethic and cleans up a house that appears to be occupied by what she disapprovingly refers to as “seven untidy little children.” Whistling while she works, she is a kindred spirit to the dwarfs, who descend into the mines to carry out their subterranean work “from early morn ’til night,” yet cheerfully intone: “we don’t know / what we dig ’em for.” Something of a “dumb bunny,” as the Anne Sexton calls her in a poem from “Transformations,” Snow White falls victim three times to the camouflaged wicked queen.
Grimm purists regard the Disney version as a sentimental confection, but Disney animators preserved the fairy tale’s powerful engagement with a child’s fears about parental persecution and abandonment, while also capturing adult anxieties about aging and loss. After drinking the magic cocktail she has brewed, the queen’s hair turns white, her hands become gnarled with age (“Look, my hands!”), her voice turns into a throaty cackle (“My voice!”), and finally she emerges from under her dark cloak as a hunchbacked crone. The horror of the queen’s transformation from a beautiful woman into an abject old hag is still potent.
Anne Sexton may well have had Disney’s transformation scene in mind when her wicked queen condemns Snow White to be “hacked” to death after she herself discovers “brown spots on her hand” and “four whiskers over her lip.” Sexton’s emphasis on the stepmother prefigured the nineteen-seventies protests against the Disneyfication of fairy tales, with Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar leading the charge in their preface to “The Madwoman in the Attic,” a landmark work of feminist criticism. They proposed calling the story “Snow White and Her Wicked Stepmother,” arguing that the queen—inventive, active, and mobile—was far more enthralling than her insipid stepdaughter.
With “Snow White and the Huntsman,” the tale has been reconceived to appeal to an audience partial to high-decibel special effects, monsters and vampires, triangulated teen romance, epic battle scenes, and young warrior women who, like Katniss Everdeen in “The Hunger Games” or Merida in Pixar’s “Brave,” have appropriated not only the wicked queen’s inventive energy but also the huntsman’s proficiency with weapons. The film preserves the central motifs of the Snow White plot: mother-daughter rivalry, magic mirror, compassionate huntsman, seven dwarfs, poisoned apple, and redemptive kiss—with all but the last steroid-enhanced through high-tech cinematic magic. Like all fairy-tale adaptations, it also operates like a magnet, picking up relevant bits and pieces of the culture that is recycling the tale.
Kristen Stewart’s Snow White is nothing like the charmingly goofy princess of Disney’s live-action “Enchanted” or the spunky yet vulnerable Snow White in ABC’s series “Once Upon a Time.” More like a serious cousin to the spirited and radiantly youthful Snow White of Tarsem Singh’s campy recent film, “Mirror Mirror,” she is ready for action. This Snow White becomes a “pure and innocent” warrior princess, an angelic savior who channels Joan of Arc and Tolkien’s Aragorn, as well as the four Pevensie siblings from C. S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia,” to save the kingdom of her late father (stabbed to death by the queen on their wedding night). Everyone is armed, and swords, scimitars, axes, snares, and shields feature as prominently in this film as they do in the Middle Earth of “The Hobbit.” Romance is edged out by the racing energy of horses speeding through dramatic landscapes and by expertly choreographed combat scenes. This is a Snow White designed to appeal to viewers of all ages, and to men and women alike.
“Snow White and the Huntsman” captures deepening anxiety about aging and generational sexual rivalry in clever, self-reflexive ways, with Charlize Theron as a beautiful cougar (and established Hollywood star) threatened by a younger, sylph-like Kristin Stewart. In the world of the film, beauty is the locus of female power, and is thereby fleeting in its effects (men are “enchanted” by women but “use” them until they eventually “tire” of them); it is the source of both fascination and horror. Early on, we learn the wicked queen’s backstory: she was abandoned by her first husband for a younger woman. This is meant to explain why she is so desperate to suck the life force out of local virgins, to dine on the vital organs of birds, and to reap the cosmetic effects of baths in mysterious white fluids.
The queen’s quest for lasting youth is part of the story’s larger exploration (in the tradition of many great myths) of how humans relate to the natural world—whether we are of it or have mastered and moved beyond it. Efforts to remain forever young violate the natural order of generational succession and imperil life itself. The woods have always been terrifying, but never more so than in this new version of the tale, in which a despoiled Mother Nature mirrors and magnifies the wicked queen’s frenzied assaults on humans. “Snow White and the Huntsman” holds a mirror up to our own vanity, narcissism, and recklessness, emphatically reminding us, as Charlize Theron proclaims shortly before her downfall, that every world gets the wicked queen it deserves.


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“Why I Love My Father”: A Father’s Day Tribute. Happy Father’s Day To All Father Figures! :) “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me.” ~ Jim Valvano Note from Celes: This is a 2012 tribute post from PE to all fathers around the world, and I’m republishing it to wish all fathers a Happy Father’s Day. To all fathers, may you have the most wonderful time with your family! :D Thank you everyone for your wonderful responses to the Father’s Day Tribute. :D It was truly very heartwarming for me to read all your beautiful entries surrounding your father and your relationship with him. Today is Father’s Day (for those of you in Asia, that would be yesterday) and I’d like to dedicate this post to all the wonderful fathers, father figures, and male mentors out there who have touched the lives of people out there: be it your own kids, others’ kids, your family, people you’ve mentored, people you’ve coached, and the world at large. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for being you. We appreciate your existence and the often times silent but impactful role you have played in our lives. As you read the beautiful, beautiful tributes below, know that these can well be the very things that your children (if you have any) and the people you have touched have to say about you; just that they don’t actively articulate these thoughts all the time. For the rest of you, this tribute is get us to actively celebrate our love for our fathers (and mothers) by way of words and actions. Whatever gratitude and love we have for them does not get received if we don’t express them in the first place. Show your dad (and your mom) some love today, tomorrow, and every day. Give him a card. Take him out for dinner. Give him a hug. Share your joy with him. Celebrate the kinship you have together. I present to you, “Why I Love My Father”, by the readers of PE: From Cheryl (New Brunswick, Canada): “What I love about my father, and have only come to appreciate in recent years, is how he simply accepts ‘what is’ in life. He seems to naturally embody “yoga”, which I’ve practiced and taught for many years! No matter what his experiences bring him (e.g. loss, joy, pain), he never comments or complains. Instead, he smiles and asks about your day. Happy Father’s Day, dad – I love you. From Susan: My father carried a laminated quote in his wallet for years. Whenever I got stressed, he would take it out and tell me to read it. About a year before he died, he gave me the card to keep. He said he didn’t need it any more. It said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff. If you can’t fight, and you can’t flee, flow.” From Giang: I really do not know what to say about my father. Just mean that I love him. 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A dream coming true that his sons should become better than himself as far as success in career and earnings is concerned. I was unable to move on my feet. I was ageing about 23 years and rapidly past 23 years flashed into my mind in a moment. I could now understand the meaning of my father’s aspirations. I could understand that whatever decisions my father was taking in past or whatever financial hardships he was facing was determined by his goal of making his children more successful in life than himself. At this place, I could understand the power of goal setting. I could see very clearly the ultimate goal in his mind towards which he thrived for whole of his life and he succeeded. What a father he is! I heartily salute his feelings with thanks & humbleness. If today, I and my brother both are successful in life, this is due to the foresighted goal setting of my father. He never spoke to us on this topic. Probably he was not an authority on the same, but he had the greatness to communicate by example. With heartily thanks to him, I wish him Happy Father’s Day. From Ranjit Chowdhury: Father is a person who Lets you experiment life in your own way and pulls you up when you fall. Lets you get angry on him and loves you more after that. Lets you see things your own way and then gives his view point. Is with you always, Specially when you need him !!! From Sibram Nisonko: My father gave two most precious things for my whole life. One was love with sacrifice; the second was education with spirituality. Father and Son From Jodi (USA): For all the fathers in my life, I love that they are kind. I love that day when I quickly added some explanations to a presentation and they remembered it for being exciting and different and were so proud to show me off to everyone. 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From Vania P (Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies) My father has taught me the importance of hard work and sacrifice not by only his words but through HIS examples. As a child I saw him awaking extra early to take care of the animals in our farm and absorbing long hours of traffic to and from work. He would often teach morals by saying ‘a liar is a thief, a thief is a murderer’. This proverb taught me the importance of honesty and has assisted me in decisions and situations I have faced in life so far. I have learned from him that hard work brings rewards and nothing is much worth without sacrifice. I would also like to mention someone who has touched my life in a remarkable way. He embraced me with love and support when I felt the world abandoned me during my trials. His name is Ramsawak Hayban and even though he is in another world, I feel he is still with me guiding and protecting me with his love and care where I am. He has also taught me the power of love and faith. Thank you daddy and thank you Mr. Hayban- may you both be forever blessed with health & happiness. From Julie (France): What I love and appreciate about him is his patience, his manner to listen to others and take them into consideration, his inner strength. From Magdalena: [My father] has a sense of good movies and humor and knows perfectly all the best old time movies. He would sacrifice everything for me. Has great sense of humor, good music and excellent knowledge of old time movies. He isn’t perfect, but he is good and simple and loves me in his own way. Father and Daughter, Kite Flying From Hang (Vietnam): My Dad has always been the one who readily listens to my troubles/concerns and gives me his best advice. But sometimes I think that his advice is irrelevant and ignore his sharing. Despite that, he would still support me and look after me. Thinking about him and his care for me always make me cry a lot, especially when I recall how he used to prepare meals and do housework for me so that I could concentrate on my study. I love him and am grateful for him being my Father. I hope I will soon find out my life purpose and live it fully to make my Dad proud of me. From Krys (Boston, USA): Through his life, and ultimately even his death, my father taught me that no obstacle is too large to overcome if I put my mind to it. On the road of life there are often many ups and downs, but they are part of the journey and experiencing them makes us who we are. In the end, all that matters is doing what we enjoy and sharing our life with the people we love. From Mwansa: The greatest gift dad gave me is, Responsibility of my Thoughts, Attitude and Actions. Told me the seed of greatness in Responsibility. He was a great man. From Wanxuan (Singapore): My father fed and carried me when I was a baby (though my traditional grandpa won’t agree to males doing chores), drove me to school every day during my primary and secondary school years and always brings home some tasty food from outside for our family to share. He also does chores such as ironing, mopping (My mum is lucky hehe). While my mum is a go-getter and sometimes impatient, he is a relaxed sort of parent. It feels good chilling and watching occasional tv with him after finishing major tasks. My family also enjoyed fun activities such as kite-flying and scrabble when I was young. He was never a vocal person and never said “I love you”, even to my mum, but his actions spell love. I’m grateful for having my dad in my life! Father and Daughter Dance From TSK. Raman: Oh! My Father, he was quite an adorable gentleman. He loved our mom and was always faithful to her. He loved us, and had our best in mind always. We were disciplined, yet, he would nudge us to improve, but it never felt motivated by anger… only love. He was quick to forgive. We were taken care of. We did fun stuff and had nice things, but not pampered or spoit because he knew where to draw the line. He was unselfish. He loved his family – his father, mother, educated his brothers and sisters, and got them married too, all from his savings, despite looking after his immediate family which was us. He worked hard at his job not because of the money, but because he believed in what he did. He knew when to quit for the day. He loved eating meals together. He lived within his means. He knew the difference between want and need. He cared about people more than money. He looked for opportunities to serve… especially those who couldn’t help themselves, and was also generous. He was always honest, both to us and to others. I never remember him telling a lie. He knew the importance of keeping his body healthy – not for vain reasons, but to remain effective to this world as long as possible. From Qin Tang, (Minnesota, USA. Originally China): My father is the best handyman I know. My grandfather passed away when my father was still an infant, leaving behind 6 kids and a wife. My father left home at age 10 to make a living for himself. He didn’t have much education, but he learned to do a lot of things. He made all the furniture in our home. He was the Mr. Fix-it in the neighborhood; he could fix anything. Now my father is 80 years old, still healthy and sharp in his mind. He can remember every relative’s phone number and we have a lot of them. I am amazed by his many talents. My father is a man with few words. He shares his love with his acts of service. I love and miss him. Happy Father’s Day from Minnesota to Suzhou! From Naveena: My father is the hero of my life. He taught me how to face the life with patience and brave. Gave me whole freedom in my life. I love him… I am lucky to have him as my father , each and every birth I need him as my father. From Celes, Singapore My father has done more for me than he has ever let on. He has always quietly supported me in my life, in every step of the way. He has always been working hard to support me and the family since I was young, never complaining at any point at all. He has cultivated important values of hard work, humility, and respect (for others) in me. I’m truly, truly, blessed to have a father like him and I love him with all my heart. I would like to be his daughter again in my next life, as well as in all my other lifetimes after that. Happy Father’s Day dad!! ♥ Father and Daughter From Shrikant (Maharashtra, India): My father taught me the realities of life. At times only he was earning he has to work hard as a primary teacher. He used to leave the village at 6.00 AM in the morning and return by 10.00 PM in the night. He travelled daily on bicycle from the village to school which was 7 kms away. He is a great father, and not less than a saint for me. He is an inspiration for us. I learned to move further in tougher times from him. Anything can be achieved with a positive attitude and without harming anybody. He quotes: “Start early, follow ethics, think positive, use sense and do it.” From Luna: My father respects me by granting trust and freedom to me. He let me experience my life by my own way and only comments when it is necessary. He is a romatic, silent man. Thanks, papa. From Alexa Khan: My father taught me to believe in myself. His favorite saying was” Can’t is in the book of fools” and this and many of his sayings have been my own internal motivational soundtrack throughout my life. “Procrastination is the thief of time”; ‘don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”; Because of my father I understood from a young age that perseverance and hard work were the keys to everything in life; school, work, relationships. From Caro G: What I love most about my father… where to start? I love that he gave me a fantastic example of how to rise above everything. From a somewhat difficult childhood, not being able to finish high school, he just kept going, kept doing better, and gave his love and attention to everything. He got an associate’s degree, worked a variety of jobs, but I always knew he was there for me. I half-joke I’m still single because I’ll never find a guy who’s as good to me as my Dad. He still works each day (approaching 70) and I know he’s always in my corner. Best. Dad. EVER. From Polycarp Agoi (Kenya, Africa): Honestly my dad is the best dad that God ever made since the creation of the first dad. If dreams come true, he knows how to make them true. I have achived a lot in life because of the wise advice and comfort he has given me. Right now, I’m working on my dreams. My prayer daily is for him to see me become THE PRESIDENT of my country. He has trained me to become one. Thanks Dad. I’d like to end off with this lovely quote image from Personal Excellence Quotes (new images added daily; check it out if you haven’t): “Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” ~ Anne Geddes Happy, happy father’s day to all the dads in the world! :D Images: Father, Baby, Father, Son, Kite flying, Dance, In a plane, Sunset Written by Celes+ on Jun 16, 2014 | Filed in: People, Updates Tags: 2012, family, father, father's day SHARE TWEET

“Why I Love My Father”: A Father’s Day Tribute. Happy Father’s Day To All Father Figures! :) Note from Celes : This is a 2012 tribute post from PE to all fathers around the world, and I’m republishing it to wish all fathers a Happy Father’s Day. To all fathers, may you have the most wonderful time with your family!  Thank you everyone for your  wonderful responses  to the  Father’s Day Tribute .   It was truly very heartwarming for me to read all your beautiful entries surrounding your father and your relationship with him. Today is Father’s Day (for those of you in Asia, that would be yesterday) and I’d like to dedicate this post to  all the wonderful fathers, father figures, and male mentors out there  who have touched the lives of people out there: be it your own kids, others’ kids, your family, people you’ve mentored, people you’ve coached, and the world at large. Thank you for all that you do.  Thank you for being you.  We appreciate your existence and the often tim

அவர் எனது கண்மணி

இது போலதான் நம் தேவன் நம்மை அவர் கண்ணுக்குள் வைத்திருக்கிறார் .நாம் அவர் கண்களுக்குள் இருக்கிறோம் நம்மை தொடுவதற்கு அவர் ஒருவரை தவிர வேறு ஒருவருக்கும் அதிகாரம் இல்லை.        இதை விட ஒரு பாதுகாப்பான ஒரு இடம் இந்த பூமியில் எங்கும் இல்லை.அவர் கண்களுக்குள் இருக்கும் நான் அவர் கண்களை உறுத்தாமல் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

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